Supercup 2013: Borussia Dortmund – FC Bayern München – Final whistle: 4-2!

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It’s 10:23pm. The final whistle is blown. The match just ended. Players are shaking hands. Fans are cheering and celebrating… The Borussia fans including my two buddies and me. 🙂
The Supercup 2013 is for Borussia Dortmund.
Later on in the video, you will hear the fans chanting “Sieg!” as in “Victory!”
Am I right? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Anyway, during the actual match I didn’t shoot any videos. I was afraid that my cellphone would not survive through this. Vincent’s camera took a dive but survived the fall.
The 2-1 (own goal by Bayern) created a few beer showers. However the 3-1 made a bunch of Borussia fans… wet. 😛 Time for another beer, man!

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